Quickstart 3: Deploy Workflows
Your workflow is now ready to be deployed. This can be done in several different ways: via code, via API, or using the Conductor UI.
In this quickstart, you will learn how to deploy your workflow via code.
- Python
- Java
- JavaScript
- C#
- Go
- Clojure
// synchronous execution - applicable for quick-running workflows (0--30 seconds)
from conductor.client.http.models import StartWorkflowRequest
request = StartWorkflowRequest()
request.name = 'hello'
request.version = 1
request.input = {'name': 'Orkes'}
workflow_run = workflow_client.execute_workflow(
Use the WorkflowClient interface to start a workflow:
import com.netflix.conductor.client.http.ConductorClient;
import com.netflix.conductor.client.http.WorkflowClient;
import com.netflix.conductor.common.metadata.workflow.StartWorkflowRequest;
// … other code
var client = new ConductorClient("http://localhost:8080/api");
var workflowClient = new WorkflowClient(client);
var workflowId = workflowClient.startWorkflow(new StartWorkflowRequest()
System.out.println("Started workflow " + workflowId);
const executor = new WorkflowExecutor(client);
const executionId = await executor.startWorkflow({ name, version, input: {} });
using Conductor.Executor;
var workflowId = workflowExecutor.StartWorkflow(conductorWorkflow);
//Input can be either a map or a struct that is serializable to a JSON map
workflowInput := map[string]interface{}{}
workflowId, err := executor.StartWorkflow(&model.StartWorkflowRequest{
Name: conductorWorkflow.GetName(),
Input: workflowInput,
(defn start-workflow
"Takes an option map and a start-request map and starts a workflow.
Returns the id of a workflow execution"
([options wf-request]
(-> (workflow-client options)
(start-workflow-with-client wf-request))))
Ready to dive deeper? Learn more about running workflows