📄️ Switch
The Switch task is used for conditional branching logic. It represents if...then...else or switch...case statements in programming, and can be used for any situation where different tasks have to be executed based on different conditions.
📄️ Do While
The Do While task executes a sequence of tasks as long as a given condition is true. The list of tasks is executed first before the condition is checked, even for the first iteration, just like a regular do .. while statement in programming.
📄️ Wait
The Wait task is used when the workflow needs to be paused before continuing. It is a no-op task used when the workflow needs to wait:
📄️ Dynamic
The Dynamic task is used to execute a registered task dynamically at run-time. It is similar to a function pointer in programming, and can be used for when the decision to execute which task will only be made after the workflow has begun.
📄️ Set Variable
The Set Variable task is used to create or update workflow variables.
📄️ Sub Workflow
The Sub Workflow task allows another workflow to be executed within the current workflow. This allows you to reuse common workflows across multiple workflows.
📄️ Terminate Workflow
The Terminate Workflow task allows for the termination of other workflows using their workflow IDs. It allows users to terminate single or multiple workflows with optional parameters for specifying termination reasons and triggering failure workflows.
📄️ Terminate
The Terminate task is used to terminate the current workflow with a termination status and reason, and to modify the workflow output with a given value.
📄️ Fork/Join
A Fork/Join task is used to run tasks in parallel. It contains two components: the fork and the join operation. The fork operation lets you run lists of tasks, including Sub Workflow tasks, in parallel. The fork operation is followed by a join operation that waits on the forked tasks to finish before moving to the next task. This Join task collects the outputs from each forked tasks.
📄️ Dynamic Fork
The Dynamic Fork task is used to run tasks in parallel, with the forking behavior (such as the number of forks) determined at run-time. This contrasts with the Fork/Join task, where the forking behavior is defined at workflow creation. Like the Fork/Join task, the Dynamic Fork task is followed by a join operation that waits on the forked tasks to finish before moving to the next task. This Join task collects the outputs from each forked task.
📄️ Join
A Join task is used in conjunction with a Fork Join or Dynamic Fork task to join all the tasks within the forks.
📄️ Start Workflow
The Start Workflow task starts another workflow in the current workflow. Unlike the Sub Workflow task, the workflow started by the Start Workflow task is decoupled from the current workflow. That means the current workflow proceeds to the next task without waiting for the started workflow to complete.
📄️ Human
The Human task enables human interaction into the middle of a workflow. When a workflow reaches a Human task, a form is assigned to a user or group to be filled. The Human task waits for the interaction to complete and records the user input before proceeding with the next task. A Human task can be used for a variety of human-involved tasks, such as manual approval in an approval workflow or a user intake form in a hotel booking workflow.
📄️ Get Workflow
The Get Workflow task retrieves the details of a workflow execution using its workflow ID.