🗃️ Inputs/Outputs
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🗃️ Workers
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🗃️ AI Orchestration
4 items
📄️ Human Task Orchestration
Business processes often involve human interaction. To augment your workflows with human interactions, Orkes Conductor offers a variety of features for real-time interfacing with human input:
📄️ Webhook Integrations
Webhooks are user-driven HTTP callback functions that facilitate the connection between Orkes Conductor and external systems. A webhook sends data from one system to another when an event occurs. By leveraging webhooks, workflows can act on events outside the Conductor environment. You can also trigger other workflows in Conductor based on received webhook events.
📄️ Write Workflows Using Code
Workflows can be written in code, allowing the creation of dynamic workflows that can't be pre-defined. Support for defining workflows using code is part of all the supported SDKs.
📄️ Task Reuse
A powerful feature of Conductor is that it supports and enables re-usability out of the box. Task workers typically perform a unit of work and are usually a part of a larger workflow. Such workers are often reusable in multiple workflows. Once a task is defined, you can reuse it multiple times in the same workflow (with a different TaskReferenceName). Once defined, tasks can also be used in multiple workflows.
📄️ Error Handling
Handling errors is one of the critical aspects of software development, especially while dealing with distributed systems.