Update Task Status in Workflow
Used to update the execution status of the task within a workflow instance.
Input Payload
Attribute | Description |
workflowId | The execution ID of the workflow to which the task belongs. |
taskRefName | The reference name of the task whose status is being updated. |
status | Provide the new status to be set for the task. It can take values: IN_PROGRESS, FAILED_WITH_TERMINAL_ERROR, FAILED, or COMPLETED. |
API Endpoint
POST /tasks/{workflowId}/{taskRefName}/{status}
Client SDK Methods
- Java
- Go
- Python
- CSharp
- Javascript
- Typescript
- Clojure
String OrkesTaskClient.updateTaskByRefName(Map<String, Object> output, String workflowId, String taskRefName, String status) throws ApiException
func (*WorkflowExecutor) UpdateTaskByRefName(taskRefName string, workflowInstanceId string, status model.TaskResultStatus, output interface{}) error
TaskResourceApi.update_task1(taskOutput, workflow_id, task_ref_name, status, **kwargs)
string TaskResourceApi.UpdateTask(Dictionary<string, Object> taskOutput, string workflowId, string taskRefName, string status, string workerid = null)
workflowId: string,
taskRefName: string,
taskOutput: Record<string, any>,
): CancelablePromise<string>
workflowId: string,
taskRefName: string,
taskOutput: Record<string, any>,
): CancelablePromise<string>
(task-resource/update-task-by-reference-name options workflow-id task-reference-name status update-req)