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Getting Started with Orkes Template Explorer

Orkes Template Explorer offers a versatile collection of pre-designed workflows as templates. These templates are ready for immediate use and can be customized to meet specific enterprise needs.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to get started with Orkes Templates.

Importing Workflow From Templates

To import workflows from the templates:

  1. Go to Template Explorer from the left navigation menu on your Conductor cluster.
  2. Browse the templates, choose the one that fits your use case, and select Import.

Workflow Template Explorer

A pop-up will display the selected template's task and workflow names.

  1. To avoid duplication, append the workflow and task names.

Importing Workflows via Workflow Template Explorer

  1. Select Save, and the workflow is created instantly.

Imported Workflows via Workflow Template Explorer

  1. Refer to the corresponding template documentation for the configuration updates required.
  2. Go to the Run tab, provide the input parameters, and select Run Workflow to execute the workflow.

With these simple steps, you can generate and execute the workflow in a few minutes, saving you hours.


Some templates may require setting up workers. These workers are included in the Orkes Template repository and can be updated with your credentials. Refer to the corresponding documentation for detailed instructions.

Template Documentations

For details on running each template, refer to the corresponding documentation: