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Reassign Human Task

Endpoint: POST /api/human/tasks/{taskId}/reassign

Reassigns an unclaimed Human task to a different assignment policy. Use this endpoint when the original assignment is no longer valid, and the task needs to be reassigned so that it can be completed.

The invoking user should be one of the following:

  • Cluster admin
  • Task owner of the Human task
  • Task assignee
  • User with UPDATE permission for the Human task definition

Path parameters

ParameterDescriptionTypeRequired/ Optional
taskIdThe unique identifier for the Human task execution to be reassigned.stringRequired.

Request body

Format the request as an array of assignment policy objects, in descending order of assignment. Each object may contain the following parameters:

ParameterDescriptionTypeRequired/ Optional
assigneeThe assignee details.objectRequired.
assignee. userTypeThe type of user or group that will be assigned to the task. Supported values:
  • External User—The assignee is a user residing outside the Conductor cluster in an external system.
  • External Group—The assignee is a group residing outside the Conductor cluster in an external system.
  • Conductor User—The assignee is a user in the Conductor cluster.
  • Conductor Group—The assignee is a group in the Conductor cluster.
assignee. userThe user or group ID for the assignee. The value depends on the user type.
  • External User—Provide the user's email that is managed and verified in an external system.
  • External Group—Provide the name of the group that is managed and verified in an external system.
  • Conductor User—Provide the user’s Conductor email.
  • Conductor Group—Provide the Conductor group name.
slaMinutesThe duration in minutes for which the Human task will be assigned, starting from when the task first began. Use 0 minutes for a non-expiring duration.integerRequired.


Single tier assignment


curl -X 'POST' \
'https://<YOUR_CLUSTER>/api/human/tasks/869ed0ee-cf07-11ef-a89d-86a819bd92bf/reassign' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'X-Authorization: <TOKEN>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '[
"assignee": {
"user": "GroupA",
"userType": "EXTERNAL_GROUP"
"slaMinutes": 0


Returns 200 OK, indicating that the Human task has been reassigned successfully.

Multi-tier assignments


curl -X 'POST' \
'https://<YOUR_CLUSTER>/api/human/tasks/869ed0ee-cf07-11ef-a89d-86a819bd92bf/reassign' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'X-Authorization: <TOKEN>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '[
"assignee": {
"user": "GroupA",
"userType": "EXTERNAL_GROUP"
"slaMinutes": 20
"assignee": {
"user": "AdminUser",
"userType": "EXTERNAL_USER"
"slaMinutes": 0


Returns 200 OK, indicating that the Human task has been reassigned successfully.