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Build an AI Application for Document Classification: A Step-by-Step Guide

Riza Farheen
Developer Advocate
February 05, 2025
9 min read

This is Part 2 of the AI App Development series, which will demonstrate how to build an application that uses LLMs to automate document classification. Check out Part 1 for a use case on summarizing an article.

In a modern data-driven world, organizations handle an ever-growing volume of documents, ranging from invoices and contracts to reports and records. Manually sorting and categorizing these documents is now a thing of the past—a daunting task that is time-consuming, resource-intensive, and prone to human error. Misclassifications can lead to operational inefficiencies, compliance risks, and increased costs.

AI-powered document classification automates this process, enabling organizations to handle large volumes of documents quickly and accurately.

This blog will demonstrate how to build an AI application that classifies your documents using Orkes Conductor.

Building a document classifier application flow

Document classification is the process of classifying documents into predefined categories based on their content. It is widely used across industries to streamline the sorting, categorizing, and processing of large volumes of documents.

In this tutorial, we’ll create an AI application flow that:

  • Identifies PDF documents from a given URL.
  • Classifies them into predefined categories such as W2 forms, driving licenses, pay stubs, employment verification letters, or mortgage applications.
  • Handles errors for unsupported file types.

Let’s break down the workflow logic.

AI-powered document classification workflow

The workflow begins with a Switch task that evaluates whether the input document URL points to a PDF file (i.e., has a .pdf extension). Based on the evaluation, it then follows one of the two cases:

Switch case evaluating if the input file is a PDF or not
  • defaultCase–Triggered if the input file is not a PDF. The workflow proceeds to an Inline task that generates an error message indicating the unsupported file type, followed by a Terminate task that halts the workflow and displays the error message.
  • PDF–Triggered if the input file is a PDF. The workflow then moves to a Get Document task that retrieves the PDF content. If the file is text-based, this task extracts the text from the document.

The next step involves another Switch task that evaluates the output from the Get Document task. If the document is text-based, the defaultCase is executed. If the document is non-text-based, the workflow routes to the ocr_processing case, which uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to process the image content in the PDF.

An OCR-based Worker task (Simple) then extracts the image content from the PDF. This task requires an external worker, set up outside the Conductor, to poll for the task.

Following that, an Inline task formats the extracted text, preparing it for the document classification process. The classification step involves an LLM Text Complete task that uses a prompt to categorize the document into different categories. The task leverages a prompt template created within Conductor to determine the file’s type,

Finally, the workflow concludes with an Inline task that extracts, formats, and publishes the classification results.

Step 1: Create a document classifier workflow

To follow the tutorial, let’s use the free Orkes Developer Edition. Create an account to get started.

You can create application flows as JSON workflows in Conductor using SDKs, APIs, or Conductor UI. For easier testing, let’s create a workflow in the Conductor UI.

First, let's define the worker task that will be part of the workflow.

To create a task definition:

  1. Go to Orkes Developer Edition.
  2. In the left navigation menu, select Definitions > Task.
  3. Select + Define task.
  4. In Name, enter extractTextFromPDF.
  5. In Description, enter a brief explanation of the task’s purpose.
  6. Select Save > Confirm Save.

Next, let's create a workflow that includes this task.

To create the workflow:

  1. Go to Definitions > Workflow from the left navigation menu.
  2. Select + Define workflow.
  3. Select the Code tab on the right and paste the following JSON code:

 "name": "document_classifier_workflow",
 "description": "LLM Powered PDF Document Classification Workflow",
 "version": 1,
 "tasks": [
     "name": "check_for_pdf",
     "taskReferenceName": "check_for_pdf_ref",
     "inputParameters": {
       "url": "${workflow.input.document_url}"
     "type": "SWITCH",
     "decisionCases": {
       "PDF": [
           "name": "get_document_task",
           "taskReferenceName": "get_document_task_ref",
           "inputParameters": {
             "url": "${workflow.input.document_url}",
             "mediaType": "application/pdf"
           "type": "GET_DOCUMENT"
           "name": "check_for_output",
           "taskReferenceName": "check_for_output_ref",
           "inputParameters": {
             "textOutput": "${get_document_task_ref.output.result}"
           "type": "SWITCH",
           "decisionCases": {
             "ocr_processing": [
                 "name": "extractTextFromPDF",
                 "taskReferenceName": "extractTextFromPDF_ref",
                 "inputParameters": {
                   "pdfUrl": "${workflow.input.document_url}"
                 "type": "SIMPLE"
           "evaluatorType": "graaljs",
           "expression": "(function () {
   if($.textOutput === "\n"){
    return "ocr_processing"
   return "defaultCase"
           "name": "evaluate_text",
           "taskReferenceName": "evaluate_text_ref",
           "inputParameters": {
             "expression": "(function () {
  if($.getDocumentText === "\n"){
    const output = $ => 
    "PageNumber: ""\nContent: "+item.text
    return output
  return $.getDocumentText;
             "evaluatorType": "graaljs",
             "getDocumentText": "${get_document_task_ref.output.result}",
             "ocrText": "${extractTextFromPDF_ref.output}"
           "type": "INLINE"
           "name": "classify_using_llm",
           "taskReferenceName": "classify_using_llm",
           "inputParameters": {
             "promptName": "your-prompt-template",
             "promptVariables": {
               "text": "${evaluate_text_ref.output.result}"
             "llmProvider": "your-llm-provider",
             "model": "your-llm-model"
           "type": "LLM_TEXT_COMPLETE"
           "name": "extract_classification",
           "taskReferenceName": "extract_classification",
           "inputParameters": {
             "expression": "(function(){ 
  let llmResult = new String($.llmResult).trim();
  if(llmResult === 'NO_MATCH') {
    return "This document couldn't be classified by the LLM";
  return "LLM classified this document as: " + llmResult;
             "evaluatorType": "graaljs",
             "llmResult": "${classify_using_llm.output.result}"
           "type": "INLINE"
     "defaultCase": [
         "name": "generate_error",
         "taskReferenceName": "generate_error_ref",
         "inputParameters": {
           "expression": "(function(){ 

  return "The filename supplied: " + $.filename + " is an unsupported file type. Please try again with a .pdf file";
           "evaluatorType": "graaljs",
           "filename": "${workflow.input.document_url}"
         "type": "INLINE"
         "name": "terminate_task",
         "taskReferenceName": "terminate_task_ref",
         "inputParameters": {
           "terminationStatus": "TERMINATED",
           "terminationReason": "Unsupported file type",
           "workflowOutput": {
             "result": "${generate_error_ref.output}"
         "type": "TERMINATE"
     "evaluatorType": "graaljs",
     "expression": "$.url.toLowerCase().trim().endsWith("pdf") ? "PDF" : "NOT_SUPPORTED";"
 "inputParameters": [
 "schemaVersion": 2
  1. Change the workflow Name to something unique.
  2. Select Save > Confirm.

Now that your workflow is set up, the next step is configuring an OCR worker to extract content from non-text-based PDFs.

Step 2: Set up OCR worker

In this example, we will set up the OCR worker project using Node.js.


  • Node.js version 20.18.2 or later.

To connect your Node.js worker with Conductor, you need access keys from an application in Orkes Conductor.

To generate the access keys:

  1. Go to Orkes Developer Edition.
  2. In the left navigation menu, select Access Control > Applications.
  3. Select + Create application.
  4. Enter a Name for the application, and select Save.
  5. In Application roles, enable the Worker role.
  6. In Access Keys, select + Create access key.
  7. Copy the Key Id and Key Secret and store them securely.

Note: If you're following this tutorial with Orkes Developer Edition, you can skip the steps below. However, if you're using your own Conductor cluster, you must enable additional permissions for tasks and workflows:

  1. In your application’s Permission section, select + Add permission.
  2. In the Workflow tab, search for your workflow and turn on READ and EXECUTE permissions.
  3. In the Task tab, search for the task extractTextFromPDF and turn on READ and EXECUTE permissions.
  4. Select Add permissions.

To set up a Node.js worker:

  1. Create a folder for your project.
  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the folder. Then, run:
npm init -y
  1. Run the following command to install the required dependencies:
npm install @io-orkes/conductor-javascript @napi-rs/canvas pdfjs-dist tesseract.js
  1. Add an index.js file in the project root and paste the following worker code:

import Tesseract from "tesseract.js";
import https from "https";
import { createCanvas } from "@napi-rs/canvas";
import { getDocument } from "pdfjs-dist/legacy/build/pdf.mjs";
import {
} from "@io-orkes/conductor-javascript";

async function extractTextFromPDF(pdfUrl) {
  try {
    const pdfBuffer = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        .get(pdfUrl, response => {
          if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
            reject(new Error(`HTTP ${response.statusCode}`));

          if (!response.headers["content-type"]?.includes("application/pdf")) {
            reject(new Error("Not a PDF file"));

          const chunks = [];
          response.on("data", chunk => chunks.push(chunk));
          response.on("end", () => resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks)));
        .on("error", reject);

    const pdfDoc = await getDocument(new Uint8Array(pdfBuffer)).promise;
    const results = [];

    for (let pageNum = 1; pageNum <= pdfDoc.numPages; pageNum++) {
      const page = await pdfDoc.getPage(pageNum);
      const viewport = page.getViewport({ scale: 2.0 });
      const canvas = createCanvas(viewport.width, viewport.height);

      await page.render({
        canvasContext: canvas.getContext("2d"),
        viewport: viewport,

      const {
        data: { text },
      } = await Tesseract.recognize(canvas.toBuffer("image/png"), "eng");

      results.push({ page: pageNum, text: text.trim() });

    return results;
  } catch (error) {
    throw new Error(`PDF processing failed: ${error.message}`);

// Conductor worker configuration

async function startWorker() {
  const clientPromise = orkesConductorClient({
    keyId: "YOUR-KEY-ID",
    keySecret: "YOUR-KEY-SECRET",
    serverUrl: "YOUR-CONDUCTOR-CLUSTER-URL/api",

  const client = await clientPromise;

  const pdfWorker = {
    taskDefName: "extractTextFromPDF",
    execute: async ({ inputData: { pdfUrl }, taskId }) => {
      try {
        if (!pdfUrl) {
          return {
            status: "FAILED",
            outputData: { error: "PDF URL is required" },

        const results = await extractTextFromPDF(pdfUrl);

        return {
          status: "COMPLETED",
          outputData: {
            processedPages: results.length,
      } catch (error) {
        return {
          status: "FAILED",
          outputData: { error: error.message },

  const manager = new TaskManager(client, [pdfWorker], {
    options: { pollInterval: 100, concurrency: 1 },

  console.log("Starting PDF extraction worker...");

  // Handle graceful shutdown
  process.on("SIGINT", () => {
    console.log("Stopping worker...");
  1. In the worker code, replace YOUR-SECRET-ID and YOUR-SECRET-KEY with previously copied Key Id and Key Secret.
  2. Replace “YOUR-CONDUCTOR-CLUSTER-URL/api” with your cluster URL. For Orkes Developer Edition, use
  3. Run the worker:
node index.js

Now that your workflow and worker are ready, it’s time to get it up and running by adding your LLM integration.

Step 3: Add your preferred LLM integration

Orkes Conductor offers integration with many LLM providers. The next step is to add an integration in the Conductor cluster with your preferred LLM provider.

To add an integration:

  1. Go to Integrations from the left navigation menu on your Conductor cluster.
  2. Select + New integration.
  1. In AI/LLM section, choose your preferred LLM provider and select + Add.

The configuration parameters vary depending on the AI/LLM platform being integrated. Refer to the respective integration guides to obtain the parameters.

  1. Enter the API keys and other parameters based on the chosen LLM provider.
  2. Select Save.

The LLM integration has been added. The next step is to add a specific model. It's important to choose a model that aligns with your use case.

To add a model to your integration:

  1. In the Integrations page, select the + button next to your newly-added integration.
  2. Select + New model.
  3. Enter the Model name and Description.
  4. Ensure that the Active toggle is switched on and select Save.

The integrations are now set up and ready to use. Let's create an AI prompt that will utilize this integration to classify the documents into appropriate categories.

Step 4: Create a prompt template using Orkes’s AI prompt builder

A prompt plays a crucial role in guiding the LLM model to act in a specific manner. For our document classification workflow, the prompt should be carefully crafted to enable the model to identify and categorize the document into appropriate groups.

To create an AI prompt:

  1. Go to Definitions > AI Prompts.
  2. Select + Add AI prompt.
  3. In Prompt Name, enter a unique name for your prompt, such as “doc_classifier_prompt_yourname”.
  4. In Model(s), select the integration you added in the previous step. The UI drop-down lists the integration along with the model names. Make sure to choose the right one.
  5. Enter a Description of what the prompt does.
  6. In Prompt Template, enter your prompt, which will classify the document into appropriate categories. For example:
We have a document that was scanned using OCR. The content is `${text}`. You need to classify the document based on the provided OCR content. The document could be one of these: W2, Drivers License, Pay stub, Employment Verification Letter, or Mortgage Application. Suppose the provided content does not match with any of those documents. In that case, you must reply NO_MATCH, and in the following line, you must give a human-understandable message about the result and why that determination was made in under three sentences. If the provided content matches, return the values found, including the document type. If the social security number is part of the values, obfuscate the first five digits.

In the prompt, we have defined ${text} as a variable that will be derived from the output of the previous task. This will become clearer once we incorporate this prompt into the workflow.

  1. Select Save > Confirm save.

This saves your prompt template. Orkes Conductor provides a built-in testing interface to test and validate your prompt before adding it to the workflow. In our example, we have defined the ${text} variable to be derived from the output of the preceding text extraction task. For example, here’s what a test run looks like with sample data.

Sample test results for the prompt template
Test results using sample data from a previous execution.

Step 5: Edit workflow with your LLM integration and AI prompt

Now that everything is in place, let’s bring it all together and get the workflow running.

Let’s go back to the workflow created:

  1. In Orkes Developer Edition, go to Definitions > Workflow and select the workflow created previously.
  2. In the classify_using_llm task, replace the following values:
  • Replace your-llm-provider with your integrated LLM provider.
  • Replace your-llm-model with your chosen model.
  • Replace your-prompt-template with your prompt.
  • Add the promptVariable text parameter as ${evaluate_text_ref.output.result}.

You can see that the text variable is set to ${evaluate_text_ref.output.result}, which is the output result of the evaluate_text task that retrieves the content of the PDF document.

  1. Select Save > Confirm.

Now, let's test run your workflow:

  1. Select Run tab and provide the document URL to be classified as the input parameter.
  2. Select Run Workflow.
// example input params
  "document_url": ""

Upon running the workflow, you will be directed to the workflow execution page. If you select the Workflow Input/Output tab, you will see the category in which the document has been classified.

Here is a sample test run results with a W2 document passed as the input:

Here is a sample test run results with a pay stub passed as the input:

Ta-da! You have successfully created an application flow that accurately classifies your documents.

You can either develop your application from the ground up using Conductor or wire the necessary application flow into your existing applications through Conductor SDKs or APIs.

Let’s see what happens when an image file with a .jpg extension is passed as input.

The workflow will terminate, and you’ll receive an output message indicating that the file type is unsupported.

This workflow is currently designed to work with input URLs with a .pdf extension. But what if your input is an image file or the document falls into a category not listed, requiring manual verification without disrupting the workflow?

No worries—Orkes Conductor has got you covered! We have developed an advanced version of this workflow to handle these scenarios seamlessly. Ready to explore it? Stay tuned for the upcoming tutorials.

In the meantime, if you have any ideas for improving this workflow to support additional file types, feel free to join our community on Slack.

In summary, Orkes Conductor stands out as the best choice for creating application flows. It offers flexibility in prompt customization and prioritizes data privacy, ensuring your data stays secure while allowing private LLM configurations with Conductor.

Orkes Cloud is a fully managed and hosted Conductor service that can scale seamlessly to meet your needs. When you use Conductor via Orkes Cloud, your engineers don’t need to worry about setting up, tuning, patching, and managing high-performance Conductor clusters. Try it out with our 14-day free trial for Orkes Cloud.

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