Search Workflow Executions
Endpoint: GET /api/workflow/search
Retrieves a list of workflow executions based on the provided search criteria.
You can construct your search query in the Conductor UI (Executions > Workflow) and select the ⏷ (down arrow) icon beside Search > Show as Code to access the same search request in an API call.
Query parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Required/ Optional |
start | The start of the search results list, which is used for pagination. Default is 0. | integer | Optional. |
size | The number of search results that should be returned from the specified start. Default is 100. | integer | Optional. |
sort | The manner in which the list will be sorted, in the format "FIELD:ASC|DESC". For example, "workflowId:DESC". | string | Optional. |
freeText | All full-text indexed data associated with the workflow execution (workflow input values, workflow output values, workflow variable values, task output values, correlation ID, and reason for incompletion). Default is *. Note: This query only searches for exact matches. | string | Optional. |
query | The query expression in the format FIELD = VALUE or FIELD IN (value1, value2) . Supported fields for querying:
Only AND operations are supported. Example queries:
| string | Optional. |
skipCache | Note: This parameter is deprecated. There is no effect when configured. Whether to skip caching of the search results. Default is false. | boolean | Optional. |
Returns the total number of results in totalHits and a list of workflow executions in a results array.
Search based on workflow name
curl -X 'GET' \
'https://<YOUR_CLUSTER>/api/workflow/search?start=0&size=100&freeText=%2A&query=workflowType%3DsomeWorkflow' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'X-Authorization: <TOKEN>'
"totalHits": 1,
"results": [
"workflowType": "someWorkflow",
"version": 1,
"workflowId": "ba2aeb84-d4c7-11ef-87b1-b2b27c52ebde",
"startTime": "2025-01-17T11:39:35.873Z",
"updateTime": "2025-01-17T11:39:35.873Z",
"status": "RUNNING",
"input": "{name=John}",
"output": "{}",
"executionTime": 0,
"failedReferenceTaskNames": "",
"priority": 0,
"failedTaskNames": [],
"inputSize": 11,
"outputSize": 2
Search for workflows based on workflow name and status
curl -X 'GET' \
'https://<YOUR_CLUSTER>/api/workflow/search?start=0&size=100&freeText=%2A&query=status%20IN%20%28RUNNING%29%20AND%20workflowType%3DcompensationWorkflow' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'X-Authorization: <TOKEN>'
"totalHits": 5,
"results": [
"workflowType": "compensationWorkflow",
"version": 3,
"workflowId": "ddf03cfd-d4b6-11ef-a114-0af1b159704e",
"correlationId": "string",
"startTime": "2025-01-17T09:38:54.442Z",
"updateTime": "2025-01-17T09:44:46.666Z",
"status": "RUNNING",
"input": "{additionalProp1={}, additionalProp2={}, additionalProp3={}}",
"output": "{}",
"executionTime": 0,
"failedReferenceTaskNames": "",
"priority": 0,
"failedTaskNames": [],
"inputSize": 60,
"outputSize": 2
"workflowType": "compensationWorkflow",
"version": 3,
"workflowId": "3163f2e3-d4a9-11ef-a114-0af1b159704e",
"correlationId": "string",
"startTime": "2025-01-17T08:01:01.497Z",
"updateTime": "2025-01-17T09:57:09.427Z",
"status": "RUNNING",
"input": "{additionalProp1={}, additionalProp2={}, additionalProp3={}}",
"output": "{}",
"executionTime": 0,
"failedReferenceTaskNames": "",
"priority": 0,
"failedTaskNames": [],
"inputSize": 60,
"outputSize": 2
"workflowType": "compensationWorkflow",
"version": 2,
"workflowId": "2ce9207f-d4a6-11ef-87b1-b2b27c52ebde",
"correlationId": "",
"startTime": "2025-01-17T07:39:25.491Z",
"updateTime": "2025-01-17T10:15:50.803Z",
"endTime": "2025-01-17T10:15:31.060Z",
"status": "RUNNING",
"input": "{name=}",
"output": "{output={response={headers={Date=[Fri, 17 Jan 2025 07:39:25 GMT], Content-Type=[application/json], Content-Length=[182], Connection=[keep-alive], Strict-Transport-Security=[max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains]}, reasonPhrase=200 OK, body={randomString=rxseamdaoaasmjoofuju, randomInt=1836, hostName=orkes-api-sampler-67dfc8cf58-lp2np, apiRandomDelay=0 ms, sleepFor=0 ms, statusCode=200, queryParams={}}, statusCode=200}}}",
"executionTime": 9365569,
"failedReferenceTaskNames": "simple_ref",
"priority": 0,
"failedTaskNames": [],
"inputSize": 7,
"outputSize": 421
"workflowType": "compensationWorkflow",
"version": 3,
"workflowId": "bf6ac066-d493-11ef-87b1-b2b27c52ebde",
"correlationId": "1",
"startTime": "2025-01-17T05:27:30.850Z",
"updateTime": "2025-01-17T10:05:13.093Z",
"status": "RUNNING",
"input": "{}",
"output": "{}",
"executionTime": 0,
"failedReferenceTaskNames": "",
"priority": 0,
"failedTaskNames": [],
"inputSize": 2,
"outputSize": 2
"workflowType": "compensationWorkflow",
"version": 2,
"workflowId": "dd76a747-d48e-11ef-a114-0af1b159704e",
"startTime": "2025-01-17T04:52:33.776Z",
"updateTime": "2025-01-17T04:52:33.777Z",
"status": "RUNNING",
"input": "{_headers={content-length=77, referer=, sec-fetch-site=same-origin, origin=, x-forwarded-port=443, sec-gpc=1, sec-ch-ua-mobile=?0,, waitforseconds=60,, connection=close, content-type=application/json, x-request-id=60ebfa7b5a5571dc0acfa764caffe130, sec-fetch-mode=cors, x-forwarded-proto=https, accept-language=en-GB,en;q=0.7,;, priority=u=1, i, accept=application/json, x-real-ip=, x-forwarded-scheme=https, sec-ch-ua=\"Brave\";v=\"129\", \"Not=A?Brand\";v=\"8\", \"Chromium\";v=\"129\", requestid=teststring, sec-ch-ua-platform=\"macOS\", x-nginx-proxy=true, x-scheme=https, accept-encoding=gzip, deflate, br, zstd, user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36, sec-fetch-dest=empty}, additionalProp1={}, _X-Request-Id=teststring, additionalProp3={}, additionalProp2={}, _X-Wait-Until=null, _X-Host-Id=}",
"output": "{}",
"executionTime": 0,
"failedReferenceTaskNames": "",
"priority": 0,
"failedTaskNames": [],
"inputSize": 1213,
"outputSize": 2