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Search Workflow Executions

Endpoint: GET /api/workflow/search

Retrieves a list of workflow executions based on the provided search criteria.


You can construct your search query in the Conductor UI (Executions > Workflow) and select the (down arrow) icon beside Search > Show as Code to access the same search request in an API call.

Query parameters

ParameterDescriptionTypeRequired/ Optional
startThe start of the search results list, which is used for pagination. Default is 0.integerOptional.
sizeThe number of search results that should be returned from the specified start. Default is 100.integerOptional.
sortThe manner in which the list will be sorted, in the format "FIELD:ASC|DESC". For example, "workflowId:DESC".stringOptional.
freeTextAll full-text indexed data associated with the workflow execution (workflow input values, workflow output values, workflow variable values, task output values, correlation ID, and reason for incompletion). Default is *.

Note: This query only searches for exact matches.
queryThe query expression in the format FIELD = VALUE or FIELD IN (value1, value2). Supported fields for querying:
  • workflowId
  • correlationId
  • workflowType
  • status
  • startTime
  • modifiedTime

Only AND operations are supported.

Example queries:
  • workflowType = your_workflow_name
  • status IN (PAUSED, RUNNING)
  • startTime >1726655978410
  • startTime < 1696143600000
  • workflowType = your_workflow_name AND status = PAUSED
  • workflowId IN (3434546, 45365767, 20984885) AND workflowType = test_workflow
skipCacheNote: This parameter is deprecated. There is no effect when configured.

Whether to skip caching of the search results. Default is false.


Returns the total number of results in totalHits and a list of workflow executions in a results array.


Search based on workflow name


curl -X 'GET' \
'https://<YOUR_CLUSTER>/api/workflow/search?start=0&size=100&freeText=%2A&query=workflowType%3DsomeWorkflow' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'X-Authorization: <TOKEN>'


"totalHits": 1,
"results": [
"workflowType": "someWorkflow",
"version": 1,
"workflowId": "ba2aeb84-d4c7-11ef-87b1-b2b27c52ebde",
"startTime": "2025-01-17T11:39:35.873Z",
"updateTime": "2025-01-17T11:39:35.873Z",
"status": "RUNNING",
"input": "{name=John}",
"output": "{}",
"executionTime": 0,
"failedReferenceTaskNames": "",
"priority": 0,
"failedTaskNames": [],
"inputSize": 11,
"outputSize": 2
Search for workflows based on workflow name and status


curl -X 'GET' \
'https://<YOUR_CLUSTER>/api/workflow/search?start=0&size=100&freeText=%2A&query=status%20IN%20%28RUNNING%29%20AND%20workflowType%3DcompensationWorkflow' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'X-Authorization: <TOKEN>'


"totalHits": 5,
"results": [
"workflowType": "compensationWorkflow",
"version": 3,
"workflowId": "ddf03cfd-d4b6-11ef-a114-0af1b159704e",
"correlationId": "string",
"startTime": "2025-01-17T09:38:54.442Z",
"updateTime": "2025-01-17T09:44:46.666Z",
"status": "RUNNING",
"input": "{additionalProp1={}, additionalProp2={}, additionalProp3={}}",
"output": "{}",
"executionTime": 0,
"failedReferenceTaskNames": "",
"priority": 0,
"failedTaskNames": [],
"inputSize": 60,
"outputSize": 2
"workflowType": "compensationWorkflow",
"version": 3,
"workflowId": "3163f2e3-d4a9-11ef-a114-0af1b159704e",
"correlationId": "string",
"startTime": "2025-01-17T08:01:01.497Z",
"updateTime": "2025-01-17T09:57:09.427Z",
"status": "RUNNING",
"input": "{additionalProp1={}, additionalProp2={}, additionalProp3={}}",
"output": "{}",
"executionTime": 0,
"failedReferenceTaskNames": "",
"priority": 0,
"failedTaskNames": [],
"inputSize": 60,
"outputSize": 2
"workflowType": "compensationWorkflow",
"version": 2,
"workflowId": "2ce9207f-d4a6-11ef-87b1-b2b27c52ebde",
"correlationId": "",
"startTime": "2025-01-17T07:39:25.491Z",
"updateTime": "2025-01-17T10:15:50.803Z",
"endTime": "2025-01-17T10:15:31.060Z",
"status": "RUNNING",
"input": "{name=}",
"output": "{output={response={headers={Date=[Fri, 17 Jan 2025 07:39:25 GMT], Content-Type=[application/json], Content-Length=[182], Connection=[keep-alive], Strict-Transport-Security=[max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains]}, reasonPhrase=200 OK, body={randomString=rxseamdaoaasmjoofuju, randomInt=1836, hostName=orkes-api-sampler-67dfc8cf58-lp2np, apiRandomDelay=0 ms, sleepFor=0 ms, statusCode=200, queryParams={}}, statusCode=200}}}",
"executionTime": 9365569,
"failedReferenceTaskNames": "simple_ref",
"priority": 0,
"failedTaskNames": [],
"inputSize": 7,
"outputSize": 421
"workflowType": "compensationWorkflow",
"version": 3,
"workflowId": "bf6ac066-d493-11ef-87b1-b2b27c52ebde",
"correlationId": "1",
"startTime": "2025-01-17T05:27:30.850Z",
"updateTime": "2025-01-17T10:05:13.093Z",
"status": "RUNNING",
"input": "{}",
"output": "{}",
"executionTime": 0,
"failedReferenceTaskNames": "",
"priority": 0,
"failedTaskNames": [],
"inputSize": 2,
"outputSize": 2
"workflowType": "compensationWorkflow",
"version": 2,
"workflowId": "dd76a747-d48e-11ef-a114-0af1b159704e",
"startTime": "2025-01-17T04:52:33.776Z",
"updateTime": "2025-01-17T04:52:33.777Z",
"status": "RUNNING",
"input": "{_headers={content-length=77, referer=, sec-fetch-site=same-origin, origin=, x-forwarded-port=443, sec-gpc=1, sec-ch-ua-mobile=?0,, waitforseconds=60,, connection=close, content-type=application/json, x-request-id=60ebfa7b5a5571dc0acfa764caffe130, sec-fetch-mode=cors, x-forwarded-proto=https, accept-language=en-GB,en;q=0.7,;, priority=u=1, i, accept=application/json, x-real-ip=, x-forwarded-scheme=https, sec-ch-ua=\"Brave\";v=\"129\", \"Not=A?Brand\";v=\"8\", \"Chromium\";v=\"129\", requestid=teststring, sec-ch-ua-platform=\"macOS\", x-nginx-proxy=true, x-scheme=https, accept-encoding=gzip, deflate, br, zstd, user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36, sec-fetch-dest=empty}, additionalProp1={}, _X-Request-Id=teststring, additionalProp3={}, additionalProp2={}, _X-Wait-Until=null, _X-Host-Id=}",
"output": "{}",
"executionTime": 0,
"failedReferenceTaskNames": "",
"priority": 0,
"failedTaskNames": [],
"inputSize": 1213,
"outputSize": 2