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Incoming Conductor Webhook using cURL

Conductor-Webhook integration can be leveraged to implement most of your business flows. Webhooks can be integrated with Conductor to facilitate communication with other third-party systems such as Slack, Pagerduty, Zendesk, etc.

In this article, let’s look at creating a webhook in Conductor and passing an incoming request to the webhook using cURL commands.

Creating a Workflow to receive Webhook event

The first step is creating a workflow to receive the incoming webhook event.

In this example, let’s create a sample workflow like this:

Workflow that includes webhook task

To create a workflow,

  1. From your Conductor server, navigate to Definitions > Workflows from the left menu.
  2. Click Define Workflow and create the workflow to implement your business solution. Include the WAIT_FOR_WEBHOOK task where you need to receive the signal to the webhook.

The JSON code for the above workflow is as follows:

"name": "sample-webhook-demo-using-curl",
"description": "Edit or extend this sample workflow. Set the workflow name to get started",
"version": 1,
"tasks": [
"name": "get_random_fact",
"taskReferenceName": "get_random_fact",
"inputParameters": {
"http_request": {
"uri": "",
"method": "GET",
"connectionTimeOut": 3000,
"readTimeOut": 3000,
"accept": "application/json",
"contentType": "application/json"
"type": "HTTP"
"name": "webhook_task_vjbw2",
"taskReferenceName": "webhook_task_vjbw2_ref",
"inputParameters": {
"matches": {
"$['event']['type']": "${workflow.input.type}"
"inputParameters": [],
"outputParameters": {
"data": "${get_random_fact.output.response.body.fact}"
"schemaVersion": 2,
"ownerEmail": ""

Creating a Webhook in Conductor

Next, you need to create a webhook.

  1. From your Conductor server, navigate to Definitions > Webhooks from the left menu.
  2. Click the New Webhook button and create the webhook with the following configurations.

Webhook created in Conductor

  • Provide a webhook name.
  • Under the field “Workflows To Receive Webhook Event”, choose the previously created webhook.
  • Since we are sending the signal to the webhook using cURL command, choose the Source Platform as Custom.
  • Now we need to authenticate the webhook request, and a mechanism to do this is by doing a header match. Add a header key and value that is only known to your application.
  • Start workflow when webhook event comes - Enable the option and choose the workflow to be triggered on receiving the webhook event.
  1. Click Create, and a URL will be generated, which is the webhook URL, that will be unverified.

The URL would remain unverified until the first request comes from the webhook.

Run Workflow

Next, run the workflow using the Run Workflow button from the left menu. Ensure to provide the required input parameters.

Running the workflow

Click on the workflow ID generated to view the execution.

Workflow execution

The workflow is now running and is waiting for the signal from the webhook.

Compose a payload that will match the configuration in your WAIT_FOR_WEBHOOK task. For example, if the input matches for the webhook is defined as follows:

"matches": {
"$['event'][‘type’]": "${workflow.input.type}"

You need to send a request like this:

curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:application/json" \
-H 'someKey: someValue' \
-X POST '' \
-d '{"event": {"type" : "type-1"}}'

It should include the header keys and values (same as configured in the webhook), the webhook URL & the input parameter “type”, which should be the same as in the workflow input you’ve provided. (We’ve provided “type-1” as the input parameter while running the workflow. So, in this request, too, we’ve provided the same parameter.)


Ensure that you substitute the values in the provided request with your headers keys/values, webhook URL, and input parameters.

Next, open Terminal on your device and send the above command. Now, open the Webhook you’ve created, and you can see that the URL is now marked as verified. You can also see that an event has been received, and the workflow is triggered.

Verified Webhook

If you check the previous workflow execution, you can verify that the webhook task is completed.

Completed Workflow

Since while creating the webhook, we have configured to start the workflow “workflow-1” when the event comes, you can verify that the workflow has been triggered from the Workflow > Executions page.

Triggered workflow verification from the Workflow executions page