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Update Task

A system task to update the status of other tasks.

The task status can be updated in two different ways:

  1. Using the workflow ID (containing the task) & the reference name of the task to be updated.
  2. Using the task execution ID.

The user running this workflow should have access to the task being updated.


"name": "update_task",
"taskReferenceName": "update_task_ref",
"inputParameters": {
"taskStatus": "COMPLETED",
"mergeOutput": false,
"taskId": "f5c23c77-27b8-11ef-9dad-e2819f8ee22d"
"type": "UPDATE_TASK"

Input Parameters

taskStatusSpecify the status of the task to be updated. Supported values:
You can also pass this value as a variable.
workflowIdThe execution ID of the workflow containing the task to be updated. Required if updating using workflowId.
taskRefNameThe reference name of the task to be updated. Required if updating using workflowId.
taskIdThe execution ID of the task to be updated. Required if updating using taskId.
taskOutputA key-value map that will be updated as the task output..
mergeOutputAn optional parameter to merge the output. By default, this is set to false. If set to true, the outputs generated by this task (taskOutput) will be combined with the existing task output.

Output Parameters

updatedTaskIdDisplays the task execution ID of the updated task.
taskOutputDisplays the new output of the task if defined.


  1. Add task type Update Task.
  2. Provide the input parameters.

Update Task UI