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Set Variable

Set Variable allows us to set the workflow variables by creating or updating them with new values. Think of these as a temporary state, which you can set in any step and refer back to any steps that execute after setting the value.


"name": "set_variable",
"taskReferenceName": "set_variable_task_ref",
"type": "SET_VARIABLE",
"inputParameters": {
"variableName": "value"

Input Parameters

Variables - The variables can be initialized in the workflow definition as well as during the workflow run. Once a variable is initialized, it can be read or overwritten with a new value by any other task. Variables can be used to manage a state across all your tasks.


  1. Add task type Set Variable.
  2. Add the parameters to initialize or replace with values.

Adding set variable

Sample Workflow - Set and Read Variables

Suppose in a workflow, we have to store a value in a variable and then, later in the workflow, reuse the value stored in the variable just as we do in programming; in such scenarios, the Set Variable task can be used.

Following is the workflow definition with the SET_VARIABLE task.

"name": "Set_Variable_Workflow",
"description": "Set a value to a variable and then reuse it later in the workflow",
"tasks": [
"name": "Set_Name",
"taskReferenceName": "Set_Name",
"type": "SET_VARIABLE",
"inputParameters": {
"name": "Orkes"
"name": "Read_Name",
"taskReferenceName": "Read_Name",
"inputParameters": {
"var_name" : "${}"
"type": "SIMPLE"

The above example shows that the task Set_Name is a Set Variable Task, and the variable name is set to Orkes. Later in the workflow, it is referenced by ${} in another task.